Aug. 1 – 4 Fort Collins

“Train” at FC KOA

After JSM, We decided to head for Fort Collins to visit friends.  We stayed at a KOA just outside of town, 15 minutes from downtown on the Cache la Poudre bicycle path.  Thanks to cancellations, we were able to stay at the KOA for 3 nights, rather than the 1 night that we were initially able to book.  It is not surprising that this place is popular. 

Paddle boats FC KOA

It is really a family resort, with all sorts of activities that come with your campsite, and a place where you can get pizza and breakfast (for an additional fee) if you do not want to cook.  We took advantage of the pool and mini-golf.  I was very tempted by the little waterpark (with splash fountain features) and the paddle boats.

On Friday we biked along the Cache la Poudre River for about an hour.  We then spotted a Walmart.  Since we realized we were going to be biking back to the KOA at night with no bicycle lights, we headed once again into Walmart (which we do at least once a week) to get lights, and then to Home Depot, next door, to get batteries.  Stocked up (although lights not installed) we then headed for downtown.

Blending in with the potted plants in downtown FC

We were very impressed by the downtown, which was really hopping and crammed with pedestrians.  It has a very lively pedestrian mall (with live music on summer weekends) and several streets of shopping and restaurants.  It seems very touristy, which probably explains the very heavy traffic between Fort Collins and Denver.

Mary and Jean live in a beautiful home near downtown.  Last time I visited (which was the last time JSM was in Denver) they had just married and moved to Fort Collins.  The house and garden were being renovated.  It all came out beautifully and I was particularly impressed by the large vegetable, herb and flower garden.  We had a wonderful dinner and discussion.  Jean kindly offered to drive us back to the KOA as it was getting dark (and even with our new bike lights, it seemed a bit daunting). As is our wont when visiting friends, we forgot to take pictures.

On Saturday we packed up the RV to change campsites (at the same KOA) and then biked into town again to meet with our friends Ben and Kirsten, who just moved from State College to Fort Collins (much to the dismay of the Stat department at PSU, who lost two great colleagues).  They are in the midst of unpacking, trying to fit the furniture from the old house into the new, etc.  They are also quite close to downtown.

Ben and Kirsten took a break from unpacking to take us hiking at Horsetooth Falls, just outside of Fort Collins.  This is a very popular hike into the mountains above the town reservoir.  “Falls” is an overstatement at this time of year.  There was a tiny trickle of moisture running down the mountainside.  However, it is a very nice and fairly easy trek. 

Afterwards we all walked into town for a late lunch, and then Chuck and I biked back to the campground and set up camp again.  We decided that we really like Fort Collins.   Maybe we can talk one of our kids into moving here.